Making Natural Gas Readily Detectable
The Smell of Safety
Did you know natural gas is naturally colorless and odorless? The distinctive rotten egg smell associated with natural gas is actually the result of odorization, which became federally mandated after the tragic 1937 New London school explosion. Proper odorization is required so the public can detect and report gas leaks well before the natural gas reaches dangerous levels. To ensure natural gas is readily detectable by a person with a normal sense of smell, odorization systems have been developed to continuously and consistently impart that characteristic odor.
No Problem We Can't Solve
Breadth & Depth
How natural gas is odorized is dependent on many factors, such as the application, location, and flow rate of the gas. Welker OdorEyes has a diverse catalog of solutions and accessories to cover this broad spectrum: injection systems, pumpless vapor injection systems, diffusing probes, exhaust filters, odorant flares, spill kits, and more.
Down But Not Out
The Accu/Line™ Injection System and the ECOsystem™ Pumpless Vapor Injection System—our turnkey systems—automate proportional to flow odorant injection and vaporization, ensuring consistent, reliable odorization, even in the most challenging applications. Welker is committed to continuous operation and has embraced the concept of redundancy to make this possible. Our commitment is evident in these standard systems: the Accu/Line™ features redundant odorant injection pumps, the ECOsystem™ redundant solenoids.
Speaking From Experience
Welker OdorEyes has been part of the odorization industry for decades. You can rely on our expertise to determine the best fit for your requirements. From on-site service to in-house repairs, our factory trained technicians and chemical infusion experts have you covered.